Individual and Group Coaching
What’s it like to work with a coach? Ask top-tier athletes like Serena Williams. They wouldn’t think of doing what they do without one. Ask top business professionals like Larry page. Ask top leaders in government, non-profit, educational or entrepreneurial fields and the testimony is the same: I wouldn’t be where I am today without my coach.
Working with me as your coach can give you the power to clarify your goals, get honest about the challenges of your current situation, and take ownership of the changes you want to see in your life, leadership, and performance. Here’s a sampling of the results you can expect from coaching:
- Improved performance. However you keep score, you can expect to come out ahead.
- Personal growth. You’ll be stronger, wiser, and responsive to life challenges.
- Stronger relationships. Whether in the marketplace, the board room, the shop floor or at home, your key relationships will flourish even more.
- Increased influence. You’ll be more effective as a leader, collaborator, or influencer.
- Encouragement. You’ll always know you have someone in your corner whose only interest is in your success.
- Clarity of direction. You’ll see a break in that mental or emotional fog and come away from each coaching conversation with a clear, unambiguous plan for moving forward.
- Spiritual renewal. You’ll feel more connected to God and His purpose, strength, and life.

Here’s how the coaching process works:
Examine your Gaps
We carefully examine the difference between your current reality and your desired outcomes.
Establish Your Plan
Working with your coach, you co-create a strategy for moving toward your goals.
Execute Your Strategy
As you take decisive action in the direction of your goals, your coach helps you assess results, celebrate wins, and overcome setbacks.
Explore Your Resources
We explore needed skills, available tools, potential partners, and improved strategies to advance your growth and success.
Evaluate Your Progress
From a position of support and accountability, your coach helps you evaluate your results, make adjustments, and press forward.
“I always finish our calls thinking “why didn’t I think of that?!” which is ironic, because in a way I did….with Andy’s guidance. Andy understands people and business and he’s good at helping you maximize your resources and helping you locate those resources you don’t already have. Andy helps you see your God-given potential!“
– Mark C.

The success and changes you are looking for depend on having the right skills and teamwork. That means more than just having someone stand in front of the room as a talking head. You and your organization deserve someone who can help learn and practice new habits, communication, and leadership behaviors.
Each of my training events involves learning new concepts AND applying new skills. Each training experience is customized to the needs of the organization, event or individual, and that includes creating a training event from scratch. That said, here are my most popular training topics:
- A Coach Approach to Leadership Excellence
- Life-Giving Leadership – How to Deal with Stress and Avoid Burnout in Leadership with the THRIVE Model
- LifeVesting: Cultivate a Life of Abundance, Impact, and Freedom
- Seven Zones of Influence: How to Personally Craft Your Leadership Success Journey
- Uniquely You: Understanding Your Personality and Spiritual Gifts
- Improving Your Leadership Ability
- Gauges, Gifts and Gaps: Dealing with Stress and Avoiding Burnout
- How to Get Hired as a Giant-Killer (Professional Success)
- Emotions: Handle Them or They’ll Handle You!
Having a trained, supportive, insightful voice with expertise in leadership, organizational dynamics, and team performance can revolutionize your organization. By objectively helping you address challenges and evaluate opportunities, as a consultant I can apply best practices and proven research to the dynamics of your organization. My consulting experience ranges from solopreneur startups to multi-million-dollar global enterprises. I specialize in:
- Leadership Development
- Conflict Management
- Strategic Planning
- Team Building and Assessment
- 360-Degree Leader Assessment
- Organizational Crisis Management
- Church and Nonprofit Growth and Problem Solving
“Did you know that most mega-success entrepreneurs utilize a coach? Andy Wood brings years of implementation as well as the education credentials that make him an excellent business coach. Entrepreneurs will benefit from scheduling some time for guidance with him via phone or in person. He will leave you energized and empowered! I recommend his services to anyone in a performance-based industry!”
– Charlsie P.
Whether you are looking for a ghostwriter for your next book project, a keynote speaker for your next event, a preacher for your Sunday morning service, or an instructor for that seminar or higher ed leadership-related course, I can meet the need.
I’ve spent my entire adult life communicating ideas and truth to people of all ages. That includes:
- Online or on-ground instruction
- Preaching or teaching in Christian congregational settings
- Motivational speaking
- Written course or training material development
- Ghostwriting
- Workshop or seminar leadership
- Small group facilitation
“Dr. Andy Wood is an “uber.” He is an outstanding example of a particular kind of person who does a particular thing, and does it with skill and finesse. He is above the rest. He is changing the world by helping motivated people get from where they are to where they want to be.”