
A year ago at this time I found myself reading and hearing a lot of people emotionally drop-kicking 2010 to the curb.  “Good riddance!” they all said.  “What a sorry year!  Here’s hoping 2011 will be better.”

I haven’t checked yet this year.  Who knows?  Maybe that’s what you’re supposed to say so that the first of January feels even more exciting and hopeful.  I just found myself really surprised by all that for some reason.

Don’t get me wrong.  I saw plenty of reasons to howl at the moon about how awful things were.  But I also plenty of other reasons to look back with gratitude and – dare I say it? – satisfaction.

I decided to be more proactive this year.  Believing that 2012 is going to be an extraordinary year, I spent a little time looking back at the past 12 months and sharing a few lists of things that helped shape my heart and my world.

But first, let me tell you a very quick story that captures the essence of this year for me.  A few months ago I was out driving in the middle of nowhere on a fall West Texas day.  It was about 4:30 in the afternoon. Just off the highway, to the right, I saw three does feeding.  I was surprised to see them out this early, but enjoyed the scene.

A couple of miles ahead, this time on the left, a saw a deer’s backside pointed at me as it was grazing beside the road.  “Oh,” I thought, “another doe.”  Raising its head, this is what I saw: [click to continue…]

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