The Relentless Call to the Invisible

by Andy Wood on April 28, 2014

in 100 Words

Passionate Prayer

When the burden is unmistakable,

The inner urge undeniable…

When the need is palpable,

But those prepared to meet it imperceptible…

When you’re ripped up with compassion

Over someone else’s pain or poverty,

Or possibilities or peril –

But there’s nothing visible you can find to do

Then do what Jesus did…

Heed the relentless call of God to the world of the invisible.

Pray, He said.

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest.

Join Him in the fellowship of His sufferings

Touch the tender company of the Eternal…

Lay hold of His heart on behalf of His harvest…

And pray.

Martha Orlando April 28, 2014 at 5:07 pm

Amen, Andy, amen!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..No Excuses!

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