A Prayer for the Yearning

by Andy Wood on May 8, 2013

in Enlarging Your Capacity, Life Currency, Love, LV Cycle, Principle of Increase

YearningYou may be wondering if anybody sees, anybody knows, anybody cares.  I wanted you to know someone does.  And I am praying for you.

Especially on this day, as you pour yourself out in love, I pray you experience a return – not just in the world of faith, but even in the realm of sight – that others would give back to you as you have so faithfully given to them.

As you laugh today, I pray that others laugh with you.  As you sing, I pray that others sing along.  As you labor, I pray that others work beside you.  As you dance for joy, I pray that even there you delight in the company you keep.

Recognizing that no one has limitless strength, I pray that today you would find rest on the other side of that good kind of tired – of knowing you have offered the Lord and His people your all.  I pray that your soul and body would experience deep, renewing sleep.

Nearer and nearer to the day He calls your name, I pray that you have a spirit of anointed urgency – that you would find the balance between giving your all to the task that needs to be done and resting and waiting upon Him for another day.

I pray for a rested heart, and a spirit that is keenly sensitive to the promptings of His Spirit.  You will need both today, and I pray that you experience that seamlessly.

No weapon formed against you – and there are weapons formed against you – will prosper on this day.  This is a day in which you stand in the heritage of the servants of the Lord.  I pray that you are vitally aware of your birthright in Him, and the heritage of faith on which you stand.  And finally…

Giving yourself in service to others, I pray that others will offer themselves to you.  And I am willing to be the first answer to that prayer, as I offer myself to stand in the gap for you – to hold up your arms – to war in the heavenlies on your behalf.

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Muriel Welter May 8, 2013 at 7:57 am

A great blog on the power of prayer! I enjoyed this. Andy!
Muriel Welter´s last blog post ..Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Moms!

Aaron May 8, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Thank you for stopping by “Fresh Oil”, I want to also thank you being a vessel of prayer. I will also ask God to keep you engulfed in HIs nailed scared hands until we speak again. Please check out my most recent post titled “Prayer without Ceasing” you may like that as much as I liked yours.

Martha Orlando May 9, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Thank you for this gem, Andy, and for “standing in the gap.” We can all use prayers, can’t we? Know I’m praying for you, too!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..The Lord Has Done Great Things

Gordon A. Pleasants May 12, 2013 at 8:43 pm

Dr. Wood,
Thank you for this beautiful heart-felt prayer. You have an amazing gift in expressing the deep waters of the holy spirit. The Lord’s revelations in your writings refresh the heart and renew the mind. I truly pray the legacy of your great gift live and mature in the hearts of the young and the not so young!
Blessings to you; your work and your family!

christiancatholicmedia March 3, 2020 at 12:23 am

Thank you so much for your heart warming prayers. It is so good to know that there is someone who cares and praying to some people who are yearning right now. Keep posting!

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