Where You Dream is as Important as What You Dream Of

by Andy Wood on October 14, 2009

in Exploring the Possibilities, LV Cycle, Tense Truths

dreams 2There are two places from which to dream – a place of frustration, or a place of contentment.  Each has its own perspective and advantages.

Dreaming from a place of frustration is necessary, because without it, nothing would ever change.  Dreaming from a place of contentment is necessary, because without it, nothing would ever remain rooted where it should be.

Dreaming from a place of frustration arms us with hope.  Dreaming from a place of contentment coils us in faith.

Dreaming from a place of frustration helps define our boundaries.  Dreaming from a place of contentment helps raise our standards.

Dreaming from a place of frustration makes us desperate enough to act.  Dreaming from a place of contentment makes us patient enough to wait.

Dreaming from a place of frustration leverages anger into something positive.  Dreaming from a place of contentment leverages gratitude into something active.

Each complements the other, and both are necessary.

If you only dream out of frustration, then almost any change will do.  Dreams then lead to impulsiveness.

If you dream only out of contentment, then almost any change is suspect.  Dreams then lead to complacency.

Stand in different places when you dream.  Your health and balance demand it.  But dream nonetheless, no matter where you stand.  Don’t let your circumstances frame your dreams.  Insist that your dreams frame your circumstances.

Mary Hickey December 30, 2010 at 11:41 am

Andy, I finally figured out what my dream is.
I spent hours and hours thinking about all of the abilities, opportunities, gifts, people, hobbies, interestes, responsibilities that are a part my life. As I examined each one….I asked the question…..is this a part of my dream?
I confused myself a lot.
I always thought that God had a big plan or assignment for my life. I thought it was something that I had to search out and find. Then I realized…… My husband, my daughter, my mom, the elderly lady that I take care of, my job, my art are all things that God has intentionally placed in my life for His purpose. He cares about and watches my heart as I handle each one every day. I will give an account to God for each of these areas. All these things put together make up God’s multifaceted assignment for my life.

***They are assignments not dreams.*** For me…the 2 are separtate. That realization totally changed how I approach every single day!

My life dream is to be annointed to love God, and feel love from God with every part of my heart. I personally CAN NOT do God’s assignments for me well without loving God fully and without knowing that He loves me unconditionally. To make anything else the primary dream of my heart is unthinkable now.
Dreams take time. I am praying for God to help me fully realize my dream. I struggle a lot with God’s love. But I am working on it.

I hope that your birthday party for Jesus was wonderful and blessed!

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